Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oedipus Complex 3/13/12

Oedipus complex theory is when a boy from the womb desires to be close to his mother out of the womb because they were connected at the womb for nine months, and after birth the mother provides the nutrition and emotional factors when it comes to love and breast feeding. Later in life the son desires to be just like his father. As far as the oedipus complex is concerned it makes me wonder is there a certain age where this “complex” just “turns on” for a boy or is it just something that all boys go through at one point in their life? Does every boy go through this stage or just some? For instance for a gay male would he experience the oedipus complex? Does he aspire to be like his father or does he aspire to continue to yearn for his mother. I would think a gay male would not fall into this category because he never makes the decision that he wants to be like his father, because he never does...right? wrong? I’m not sure but I guess because it happened so long ago Freud wasn't contemplating sex between anyone besides a man and a woman so the theory was not designed for a gay man or a gay woman, but its definitely something to think about. I apologize in advance for all of my posts focusing on homosexuality, its my thing. Haha :)

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